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Teori Elit dalam Kebijakan Publik

ELIT DAN KEBIJAKAN : TINJAUAN TEORITIS TENTANG MODEL ELIT DALAM MEMAHAMI ANALISIS KEBIJAKAN PUBLIK Oleh : Iwan Ismi Febriyanto Abstract             In the analysis of public policy, of course, there are some models that can be used to focus on one subject of public policy itself. That is, before we alone make this a great and sturdy construction, of course, we must have a clear model. That is the reason why public policy analysis models are crucial in making or analyzing public policy. There are several models in the classification of policy analysis. However, here the author would like to focus on Elite Model Theory in the analysis of public policy. To find out how political institutions operate, how decisions are made then the informant's most relevant is the political elite. Elite is defined as "those that relate to, or have, an important position." Political elite to do with how power affects the person's public policy making. Here the role of the


DIALEKTIKA KEBIJAKAN PUBLIK : “STUDI KOMPARASI TEORI NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT DENGAN GOOD GOVERNANCE DALAM PERSPEKTIF KEBIJAKAN PUBLIK” Oleh: Iwan Ismi Febriyanto Abstract Public sector organizations are often described unproductive, inefficient, always loss, low quality, poor innovation and creativity, as well as many other critics. The emergence of strong criticism directed at public sector organizations will then cause the movement to reform public sector management. One of the public sector reform movement is the emergence of the concept of New Public Management (NPM). The concept of new public management was initially introduced by Christopher Hood in 1991. When viewed from a historical perspective, modern management approaches in the public sector at first appear in Europe in the 1980s and 1990s as a reaction to the inadequacy of the traditional model of public administration. NPM emphasis at that time was the implementation of decentralization, devolution, and the m

Anarkisme, Liberalisme, dan Komunisme

Anarkisme, Liberalisme, dan Komunisme Analisis Mengenai Pengaruh dan Implementasinya dalam Kondisi Politik di Suatu Negara Oleh : Iwan Ismi Febriyanto BAB I PENDAHULUAN A. LATAR BELAKANG             Ideologi merupakan hal yang paling krusial dalam sejarah maupun masa depan kehidupan manusia, terutama dalam bidang politik dan ekonomi. Bagaimana ideologi mempunyai peran sebagai dasar maupun pijakan yang digunakan oleh suaru kelompok sebagai panutan dari apa yang akan dilakukannya kedepan. Kata ideologi sendiri pertama kali dikembangkan dan diperkenalkan oleh seorang filsuf dari negara Perancis yang bernama Antonie Destutt de Tracy di masa Revolusi Perancis. Antony Downs (1957:96) mengatakan bahwa ideology merupakan seperangkat asumsi dasar baik normatif maupun empiris mengenai sifat dan tujuan manusia atau masyarakat agar dapat dipakai untuk mendorong serta mengembangkan tertib politik.